Book Review : Aumnism - The First Ray of Dawn

Book Name: Aumnism
Author: Swapnil Arora & Shyamiva

Publisher: Bluerose

Genre: Spiritual Fiction

Format: Paperback

Print length: 255 pages 

Rating: 3.8/5

Aumnism by Swapnil Arora and Shyamiva is a spiritual fiction that explores themes like love, life, existence and interconnectedness of all beings navigating through different births and excelling with different energies from negative to positive enlightening through dark and light.

Blurb on Amazon

In Aumnism, four people's lives intersect as they search for spiritual enlightenment, contentment and the protagonist Avi discovers the power of true love along the way. With each person's journey, they learn more about themselves and the universe around them. This book showcases the many ways in which fate can bring our lives back together, for good. With characters engulfed in relationships that delve deep into spiritual significance, this is a path that will leave you enlightened with newfound understandings on life and how it works. Aumnism promises readers an enthralling journey through intertwining worlds where every person must pay heed to their inner wisdom to discover treasured truths about themselves. Don't miss out on this unique vision- read Aumnism today!


Swapnil and Shyamiva's book "Aumnism: The First Ray Of Dawn" is a spiritual exploration of three individuals, focusing on Avi's journey of awakening with the help of the other two, Gauri and Tanmay. The plot traverses in different places, from mountains to areas where the spiritual aura is vivid. It helps the characters connect with themselves and the divine, including Rishikesh, Devprayag, and Vrindavan. It is the first part that delves into the philosophy centered around the idea that every life in this Universe is connected through universal consciousness and the impacts of different births on different lives, the individual lives.

The character development is a bit sketchy. Readers would demand more to know about them. The stress, anxiety, and enthusiasm of each character would allow readers to connect with them. The reunion of the three best friends would make readers feel nostalgic. Gauri depicts the epitome of femininity, Avi appears more curious, and Tanmay is a happy-go-lucky fellow, who spends his energy when he feels necessary.

The authors' writing style is thought-provoking and captivating. Readers would explore poetry with prose in this book. Each chapter starts with a poem, introducing readers to the insight in the chapter. For example, the lines from the last chapter, The Tunnel, of this part of the series:

Believe in the plan the cosmos has send,

Leaving you, for yourself, to fend,

Have the grace & strength to walk this tunnel, my friend,

You shall find 'yourself' on the other end!

In this book, readers would come across various themes along with spiritual aspects. Spiritual awakening, the central trope of this book, offers readers insights into meditation, yoga, and the power of positive thinking. Apart from this, other themes include love, relationships, and the complexities of connections. Also, the authors touched upon personal growth in this book, which would let readers engage in learning about self-consciousness through the journey of the characters of the story.

This book will resonate with readers seeking meaning and connection in their lives. If you are interested in spiritual fiction or looking for a thought-provoking and captivating read, Aumnism is worth exploring.

Buy it from Amazon - Aumnism - The First Ray of Dawn

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