Book Review : The Yogi Witch : Bloodlines and Legacies

Book Name: The Yogi Witch
Author: Zorian Cross

Publisher: HarperCollins India

Genre: Fantasy Romance

Format: Paperback

Print length: 352 pages 

Rating: 5/5

The Yogi Witch by Zorian Cross is a blend of suspense, thrill, mystery and fantasy that explores varied themes including acceptance, identity, love, pain and many other emotions.

Blurb on Amazon

By day, Jai Gill teaches yoga, reads tarot and, like many young gay men, obsesses over a pop diva. By night, he slays demons. He is a witch, after all!

Orphaned at birth, Jai was raised by his grandmother and maternal aunts, from whom he inherited his magical legacy. Their family home is an ivy-covered mansion in the heart of Lutyens's Delhi that doubles as a yoga studio for the city's elite, as well as the headquarters of their family coven.

All is going well till a handsome boy moves in next door. His family secrets are far more sinister than Jai could have ever imagined. Love, after all, is a curse for witches.

Myths become real and the mundane becomes enchanting as Jai and his witchy family remove the veil that separates reality from fantasy, while enjoying endless cups of lavender tea and sinfully delicious baked goodies that are magically removed of all guilt.


The plot is set in Delhi and centered around the protagonist Jai and his family, who own magic powers and perform rituals to heal people, including tarot reading and spiritual healing. Readers will enjoy reading the story for the twists and turns offered flawlessly by the author, from unveiling the true identity of the protagonist and the boy he fell in love with to the roller coaster ride of a demonic fight between the protagonist's family and the evil. The overall picture of the novel is a blend of yogic practices and witchcraft, setting a captivating world and offering the readers a fresh perspective on contemporary fiction.

The mention of distinct characters in the book will allow readers to process the diverse features of humans and how they deal with their struggles. Jai and Vir, who identified as gay, found it challenging to open up to themselves. Also, the characters of Gran and Jai's aunts depict family dynamics, and their bonds would appeal to readers as they would relate with them. Damyanti and Rajani Sahab depicted influential people who dominate the weaklings and do everything to destroy them if they hinder their evil deeds.

The author's writing style is evocative and attention-seeking. While reading this book, readers would find it challenging to keep the book down before they finish the book. Also, the twists and turns the author brought into the novel appeared tricky to guess. The author's engaging and humorous style would have a long-lasting impression on the readers. The author also represented the scene where Vir's family took him to the hospital so that he received electrocution and forgot about being gay. Such treatments seem challenging to discuss, but the author precisely addresses sensitive topics with grave and humorous instances. 

The blend of mythology, yoga, and witchcraft nourishes the story with unique cultural depth for the readers to explore good and evil in an engaging fashion, leaving them in awe of the unfolding mystery.

Readers who enjoy queer literature and love to read about the community would enjoy this book, as the author did not miss out on representing pop culture and gay romance. It is a must read for fantasy and non-fantasy readers. 

Buy it from Amazon - The Yogi Witch : Bloodline and Legacies

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This post is a part of OutAndAboutBlogHop hosted by Sukaina Majeed and Manali Desai.


  1. Same sex relationships and their stories are yet to fascinate me though I'm never judgmental about the issue. Heard of this book earlier. Maybe i should give it a try.

    1. Do give it a try as it will aloow you to soak in a blend of fantasy, mystery, thrill with yogic world.

  2. It seems intresting book. Not for Gay live story but I want to explore the world of yogic and witch and writing of the author. Should definitely give out a try

    1. Yes, the writing style is simple and crisp. You would definitely enjoy it.

  3. I tried this book when the Blogchatter community was reviewing it but the details around the practices made a bit boring for me. Your review makes me want to give this book another chance :)

  4. I have been reading a lot about the book. Honestly, we have barely any Indian fantasy queer fiction. Time to check out the book starting with adding it to my TBR.

    1. Yes it was my first book in fantasy queer fiction. Though I have read other queer fiction from Indian authors but not in fantasy

  5. This book sounds intriguing as it has elements of mythology, fantasy, yoga and magic which are gripping themes, along with the gay love story that makes this book fit into the genre of this blog hop! Thank you for the fascinating review!

    1. I am glad that you liked the review, hope you get motivated to pick this book.

  6. I have heard so much about this book and your post has come at the perfect time. I have loved the way you have reviewed the book and it surely has made me add it to my TBR. Mythology, Magic and a Pride theme, surely has made this a must-read.

    1. I am happy that my review left a positive impact on you for this book. I so wish that you read it and we can discuss about the book.

  7. "The Yogi Witch" by Zorian Cross is a captivating blend of suspense, mystery, and fantasy. The story beautifully explores themes of acceptance, identity, and love, with richly developed characters and engaging family dynamics. This book is a must-read for fans of queer literature and fantasy.

    1. Indeed, this book is a wonder for fans of queer literature and fantasy.

  8. yayyyy!!!! so glad you finally read it. I am so happy that queer fantasy is coming out because we need more of contemporary fantasy as well. I had a nice time with this book.

    1. Likewise, I was in dilemma that this book should end fast and this book should not end.

  9. The Yogi Witch by Zorian Cross sounds like an enthralling read that seamlessly blends elements of suspense, mystery, and fantasy. The unique setting of Lutyens's Delhi and the incorporation of yoga and witchcraft create a captivating world. This book promises to be a compelling journey for those who enjoy queer literature and contemporary fiction. Definitely adding this to my reading list!

    1. that's good to know, you are adding it to your TBR. Hope you are able to read it sooner

  10. Never read a book that had everything from Yoga, homosexuality, mystery and thrill woven together. Definitely something I would love to pick up soon.

    1. I am sure you will have a good time reading it.

  11. I have read this book last year!! And man I loved it especially the main lead. Your review is making me re read it soon

    1. hahahaha re-reading books is another blessing.

  12. Oh, this was a refreshing review - in that it's a fantasy LGBTQ+ story set in India. Is the author Indian? By the name, I thought they weren't, but it was a pleasant surprise for me to see that the story was set in Delhi.

    1. Yes it is by Indian author and that too set in our captial city

  13. Ooh this is a book i've yet to read though i've heard of it. Haven't read many Indian queer fiction, I like the idea of th yoga, witchcraft bundled together with some romance. Thank you for this review, it has intrigued me to look into it!

    1. I am more than happy that you loved the review and got intrigued

  14. Sounds like an interesting mix of genres. Thanks for the recommendation,

  15. An intriguing review, leaves that tickle of trying it soon. Fascinating and imparts impactful lesson at the same

  16. This book has been recommended to me by so many of my reviewer friends. But i just somehow am skeptical about it. Your review did help reduce the skepticism a bit though.

    1. That's wonderful, hope you get to read it soon. And we can have a chit chat around it


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