Hindi Books Everyone Should Read Atleast Once

It was challenging to decide what to write for this blog hop. Now that I have decided to share a few Hindi books that I am going to read soon, I am showing up here.

"Books are the secret escape from reality, discovering oneself away from the chaos of life and dealing with the world of one's own."

Are you someone who is an avid reader? Or someone who is looking to read some Hindi literature from Indian authors? If your answer is yes, then you have come to the right place. I am sharing with you the list of books that I am going to read soon, not out of hype but I have seen through those books by now. So, I have a feeling that not just me but you will also fall in love with those books. Wondering, how can I say that? Because I have found some lines from these books that made me feel happy and enlightened.

Here is the list:

  1. कतरने by Manav Kaul

In this book, you will feel as if the book is talking to you. I have read half of it, and while reading, I was so engrossed in it that I could imagine the situation that was portrayed in it, viz. "how does a book feel when we keep it upside down or inverted?" I am sure you are also imagining it now. (😉)

“जब आप आधी कहानी पर होते हैं और हम किताबों को आँधी करके अपने कामों में व्यस्त हो जाते हैं, तो हम किताबें सारे प्रयत्न करती हैं कि आपकी निगाह हम पर वापस आए और आप कहानी आगे पढ़ना शुरू करें। जैसे हम टेबल से बहुत कोशिशों के बाद खुद गिर जाते हैं या आपकी व्यस्तता के बीच अपने पन्ने फड़फड़ाने की कोशिश करते हैं। आपको लगता होगा— ये पंखे की हवा की वजह से होता है, पर आप खुद कभी आँखें मूँद पढ़े रहकर कुछ हरकत करने की कोशिश कीजिएगा, तब आपको पता चलेगा कि ये कितना कठिन है।”

  1. अक्टूबर जंक्शन by Divya Prakash Dubey

It's a cute story of Chitra and Sudeep, who only met 10 times between 10 October 2010 and 10 October 2020 and still shared a special bond. The story explores various themes, including love and friendship, and dives into an emotional journey through their story.

“हमारे पास हर कहानी के दो वर्जन होते हैं। एक, दूसरों को सुनाने के लिए और दूसरा, अपने-आपको समझाने के लिए। जिस दिन हमारी कहानी के दोनों वर्जन एक हो जाते हैं, उस दिन लेखक अपनी किताब के पहले पन्ने पर लिख देता है, ‘इस कहानी के सभी पात्र काल्पनिक हैं। इनका किसी भी जीवित या मृत व्यक्ति से लेना-देना नहीं है।’ यह एक अदना-सा झूठ पूरी कहानी को सच्चा बना देता है। आप इस बात को ध्यान में रखकर इस कहानी में उतरेंगे तो आपके लिए आसानी होगी।”

  1. पापमैन by Nikhil Sachan

Papaman is a story of a father and daughter. More than that it is the story of their dreams, a father who dreamed of becoming a singer but put the thought of it away to fulfill his daughter's dream. To feel and understand the dynamics of the father-daughter duo this book will take you on a journey of dreams balancing between imagination and reality.

“मुझे मालूम है कि तुमने कई सपने देखे हैं। कुछ बचपन में, कुछ जवानी में और शायद कुछ बुढ़ापे में। सपने, जिन्हें तुमने दुनिया वालों की नज़र से छुपाकर रखा है।

वो कहते हैं न- “दुनिया का सबसे पुराना रोग कि क्या कहेंगे लोग?" मैं जानता हूँ कि इसी रोग से अपने सपने को बचाने के लिए तुमने उसे अपने डर के संदूक़ में छुपाकर रख दिया था।”

  1. बागी बलिया Satya Vyas

It is another gripping story set in the town of Ballia in Uttar Pradesh, which revolves around student politics and rivalry for student union elections. It explores friendship, betrayal, love, and relationships.

“कभी-कभी मन न चाहते हुए भी यह मानने को बाध्य हो जाता है कि बुरा वक्त वाकई ग्रहों-नक्षत्रों से संचालित होता है। चीजें सही चलते-चलते अचानक ही गलत होने लगती हैं और यह समस्याएँ एक-एक कर नहीं बल्कि एकसाथ आकर व्यक्ति के मनोबल पर प्रहार करती हैं और यूँ करती हैं कि वह व्यक्ति स्वयं भी स्वयं को भाग्य के हाथ की कठपुतली समझने लगता है।”

  1. गुनाहों का देवता by Dharamveer Bharati

It is the story of Chander and Sudha set in the 1950s, exploring complexities of love, social norms, caste systems, and biases set due to them leading to an unfulfilled love story and unexpected circumstances as they get separated from each other.

“अगर पुराने जमाने की नगर- देवता की और ग्राम-देवता की कल्पनाएँ आज भी मान्य होतीं तो मैं कहता कि इलाहाबाद का नगर -देवता जरूर कोई रामैटिक कलाकार है। ऐसा लगता है कि इस शहर की बनावट, गठन, जिन्दगी और रहन-सहन में कोई बँधे-बँधाये नियम नहीं, कहीं कोई कसाव नहीं, हर जगह एक स्वच्छन्द खुलाव, एक बिखरी हुई- सी अनियमितता ।”

It is the gist of the books, but I will also share my take on each book once I have finished reading them.

Two common things in all of them are love and journey. Each book portrays a journey of some kind, whether a love story or voyaging towards dreams. It is something that drives me towards reading them all.

If you have already read any of these, I would love to know how you felt about them. I am sure next time we meet, with me talking about these books, I will be full of different emotions and unique energy yapping about this book, but you will not get bored. 

This post is a part of Embrace The Native Blog Hop hosted by Sukaina Majeed and Manali Desai under #EveryConversationMatters.


  1. कतरने and गुनाहों का देवता are definitely on my radar now. Your descriptions of the emotional depth in these stories really caught my attention—especially the father-daughter dynamics in पापमैन

    1. I am sure you will love these books I also read Yaar Papa recently by DIvya Prakash Dubey, it is an experience in itself

  2. I have heard of Manav Kaul's Katarne. It is something I would love to read someday.

    1. Give it a try, there are annoating worthy quotes and relatable lines

  3. thanks for the suggestions and the introductions. Are English translations available?

    1. I feel sorry to inform that currently no english translations, but Manav Kaul's other books have english translations like "A Bird On My Windowsill" I loved that one.

    2. Gunahon Ka Devta has been translated into English by Poonam Saxena. The title is 'Chander and Sudha'.

  4. Haven't read any but thanks for the recommendations! Manav Kaul's book looks interesting and a bit different.

    1. That's fine, if you anytime feel like exploring hindi literature do give these a try

  5. I remember you recommending me कतरने, when did you read the rest of them??!! I am speechless to see this thoughtful list. Adding few of them to my TBR, thanks. :)

    1. No No I haven't finished them all yet, will be reading soon

  6. How does a book feel? Wow, I would love to read that one but in English! I hope it's available somewhere. Will surely look for it.

    1. Not yet in English, let's manifest it comes in English soon

  7. Thank-you for the book recommendations. Haven't heard much about the other author’s than Manav Kaul. Will surely try reading 'Katarne'.

    1. Give it a try, and do share with me how you felt about it

  8. I was searching Katarane by Manav. And here you give the whole list of Hindi Books. It is very difficult to find a good hindi books. Thank you very much for sharing this.

  9. Thank you for the suggestions. I knew about Manav Kaul's works but havent with any yet. Maybe would love to begin with the english translation of Katarane if available.

    1. A Bird on My WIndowsill by Manav Kaul is in english, not Katrane till now. You can give it a try I loved that one.

  10. I hav eonly read Gunahon ka Devta but that was decades back so I wish to revisit it in new light.I recently hav eread a witty Satya Vyas novella so I might take his work mentioned by you too. I some how do not relate with Mana Kaul's works so except for him, others definitely are going to be on my further reading list.

  11. This blog hop has inspired me to read some hindi books - so thanks for this list. Will definitely buy a couple, next time I am in India.

    1. Nice that's good, it's like it came at the right time

  12. It was really nice to learn about this diverse range of Hindi novels. I have seen the ones my granny read as she was a voracious Hindi novel reader... you know the really old ones by Gulshan Nanda, Ranu etc.
    But I haven't read any regional language book as my speed is not that great. I am interested in Manav Kaul's book, the concept is quite different and also he is a great actor and I like him a lot. I hope you finish all of these books and read more n more.

  13. I like how you have added excerpts from the books to make them interesting. I intend to read at one Hindi book this year. Unfortunately, I haven't read any from your list.

    1. That's amazing now you have the whole list to decide

  14. The books you have recommended sound interesting. I admire Manav Kaul as an actor. and would love to read an English translation of his book. What you say is true... life is very often a journey, sometimes towards love, or else towards aspirations and ambitions.

  15. Always up for Hindi literature by contemporary authors. Thanks for sharing them. I have only read Gunahon ka Devta from the list ages back. Looking forward to checking out the other recommendations starting with Manav Kaul's book. Rooh was an excellent read.

  16. Gunaahon Ka Devta holds such timeless beauty. Love, longing, and societal norms — it captures emotions so deeply that they stay with you long after. Looking forward to hearing your take once you’re done reading!

    1. Yes I am going to share that soon. If my reaction will be like yours I have a fun reel idea

  17. I have read some of the books by Manav Kaul but कतरने I haven't. I think I will pick that one as well as books of Divya Praksh Dube. I have heard a lot about Dube ji, but haven't read anything by him yet. Seems it's the right time to start.

    1. Yes definitely I am currently reading Aanko Baako by him

  18. With this listing, I believe these books are splendid to read at the least once in our lifetime and its time for me to learn that language too. Fortunately, mein hindi thoda thoda bahut hey. Wonderful writeup!

    1. Thanks, I am there for you I will narrate them in english

  19. Loved your suggestions. I woul d like to read book by satya vyas and recommend you hindi books by Amit Khan if you like reading thrillers. They are awesome.

  20. "जिस दिन हमारी कहानी के दोनों वर्जन एक हो जाते हैं, उस दिन लेखक अपनी किताब के पहले पन्ने पर लिख देता है, ‘इस कहानी के सभी पात्र काल्पनिक हैं। इनका किसी भी जीवित या मृत व्यक्ति से लेना-देना नहीं है।’ "
    ab to ye kitaab padhni hi padegi :D

  21. Lovely list. I have read Gunahon Ka Devta and October Junction. I have Baaghi Balia on my bookshelf but haven't read it yet.

  22. I have just downloaded gunahon ka devta on audible and I am excited to read it.


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