Friendship No One Asked For

When Taru left her home, leaving behind family and friends for higher education, she decided not to make new friends because she thought more friends means more chaos. Little did she know that the Universe had a different and better plan for her survival in a foreign land. 

Taru and her family traveled via car to Kota to get her admitted to renowned coaching to secure a rank to get admission to a prestigious college. They arrived at 8 a.m. and decided to go straight to the coaching. After admission formalities, her parents would find a place for her to live. Taru felt excited as she was nearing her dream, but her parents were anxious as they had to leave their daughter alone in an unknown city. They explored the city to find a suitable PG for Taru, and after multiple hunts, they came to a place where the owner ran a girl's PG on the first floor of her property, and her family lived on the ground floor.

Her parents liked the place, and the owner's behavior was appealing. They decided to leave Taru under that lady's care for a year. Taru settled in her single bedroom. There were minimal amenities to keep her distraction-free, including a table, a duct for chill in summer, and an almirah. In the evening, her parents bid adios and wished her all the best for her new journey. 

It was evening, but the warmth in the weather persisted. By 8 p.m., the food arrived, and Taru went up the stairs on the fourth floor. There was no lift in her pg. While going up, she realized it was silent, and she could hear her breathing. She loved the atmosphere of seriousness. However, when she reached the dining hall, she heard a baby crying and girls chatting about their day. The cook lived with his wife and child near the kitchen area in the dining hall. Taru was not involved in the conversation. She remembered her decision not to make new friends.

The night did not go well. Being in a new place, Taru could not sleep well. She tried to lie down and rest because she had to attend classes with a fresh mind the next day. Her alarm rang at 6 a.m. She got up at once and got ready for the coaching. Her parents booked a van service for her to travel to and fro from coaching. The cab driver rang at 7:30 a.m. She left for the coaching. As she reached the coaching center, she looked for her allotted classroom. She sat in the front row and waited for the teacher to commence.

When the teacher arrived, everybody stood to greet him in unison and took their seats. One after the other, she attended five classes with a break of fifteen minutes in each class. After the class, she called the van driver to drop her to pg. In the van, she met with a girl named Rashi from the same pg. Rashi greeted Taru and asked about her. Taru felt hesitant but introduced herself and told her where she lived. Rashi felt glad to find they shared the same PG. When they reached PG, they went to the dining hall for lunch.

After finishing their lunch, when they reached their rooms, they found they lived in neighboring rooms. Taru hid her agitation, but Rashi could not control her excitement, finding Taru as her neighbor. She told Taru, "Now, we can go coaching and have meals together." Taru smiled awkwardly, agreeing with Rashi. 

Taru entered her room and latched the door. She threw her bag on the bed and cursed her stars to have her meet with Rashi. She sat for some time and thought about how to get rid of her. Soon, she realized it was all nonsense and that she should focus on her studies. She slept for an hour and woke up with a thud on her door. Taru rose and opened the door, finding ever-elated Rashi asking her to go for tea in the dining area. Rashi did not see Taru was half-slept and kept insisting until Taru told her to leave at once as she did not drink tea. 

Disappointed, Rashi left for tea and thought to herself that she annoyed Taru. She decided to apologize to her at dinner. Taru woke up and sat with her worksheets to finish her homework. She did not realise when time passed, and another bang on her door distracted her, making her realize it was already 8:30 p.m. With a sulking face, she opened the door, finding Rashi again. Rashi asked her to accompany her for dinner, and Taru could not refuse her as she was hungry, too.

What started from van rides and dining hall walks blossomed into a new friendship. 

This post is a part of Friend Indeed Blog Hop hosted by Sukaina Majeed and Manali Desai.


  1. This story is a heartwarming exploration of how life often surprises us, even when we least expect it. The way you've captured Taru's initial resistance to making new friends is relatable and authentic, reflecting a common struggle many face when stepping into unfamiliar territory. The little details, like her quiet excitement about achieving her dreams and her parents' concern, really bring the characters to life.

    Rashi's persistence and genuine warmth gradually break down Taru's walls, showing that sometimes, the connections we resist the most are the ones we end up needing the most. The transformation from awkward smiles to a budding friendship feels natural and uplifting.

    1. Thank you so much for your detailed description about the story

  2. Like you mentioned, universe has its plans and we are bound to be trapped. 😀

    1. Indeed, we can deny to everyone except the Universe

  3. Every friendship has a destiny and you can't create or destry until it itself dissloves.

    1. Exactly, not just friendship every bond comes with its expiration date I feel, and that's not in our control

  4. Friendship is not quite easy to maintain, hai na?

    1. Can't agree more. More than making friends, keeping them forever is a challenge

  5. Heartwarming ! how life surprises !I could relate as I'm also reluctant to make new friends.
    And after that if you find a good friend then it's for lifetime. Very well written 👏

    1. Thank you. Yes and then it becomes a habit and comfort to accept people in your life until another setback hits

  6. Good friends are hard to find. Taru wanted to be left alone as she felt that friends would complicate her life. Rashi was fated to come in to her life and change her attitude. That's exactly what friends do.

    1. Agreed. No matter how much we say, friends are chosen family, the truth is that the Universe allows us to choose them.

  7. Awe never tell the universe your plans because it will be so tempted to foil them! Love how Rashi and Taru became friends. We all need friends :D

    1. hahahah that's correct. The more we speak of no, the less the Universe hear it.

  8. Haha annoying friends are a bane but keep us grounded! Here's to Taru finding more such lively peeps to keep her entertained. I feel like I've been both to many people out there 😅

    1. hahaha we play many characters in one life for different people

  9. You are right Universe has its own plan. When a friend is in destiny we can't denied that friendship. Love the simplicity of your cute story.

    1. Thank you so much, yes the Universe has its own plan

  10. Such a subtle way to put it across. Friendship does be one difficult at times, but presence of friends makes life easier. Glad Taru chose friendship.

    1. Yes, and I hope the second part of this may go as smooth as this

  11. This beautifully captures how unexpected friendships can blossom in the most unlikely circumstances. Taru's journey from reluctance to embrace a new friend to finding comfort in companionship is both relatable and heartwarming. Life truly has a way of bringing the right people into our lives when we least expect it.

    1. Indeed, whether we want it or not, what has to happen will happen be it forming of relationship or achieving a milestone

  12. Taru's initial hesitation turning into a bond with Rashi reminds us that sometimes, the connections we resist the most are the ones we end up cherishing the most. It's heartwarming and relatable.

    1. Beautifully articulated, the more resistance, the more attraction

  13. I completely agree how universe sometimes conspires for the rarest of people to end up together as friends.

  14. Friendship is not easy if you dont allow yourself to know anyone. Though it was tough for her parents to leave her alone in an unknown city. But for their daughter's future they need to take a hard decision.

    1. Right, and at some point all of us require to move on in life

  15. Such people are a blessing because they thaw their way into your cold heart and teach you that their warmth makes life easier :)


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