BlogchatterA2Z: Efficiency is a Must
When there is greed to achieve more, you often commit silly mistakes. It happens because most of you focus on speed instead of accuracy. Consequently, you run into problems like redoing the task or disturbed time management which eventually causes a delay in achieving the goal.
In this chapter, let's talk about "Efficiency."
How can you achieve efficiency with speed? What are the parameters that help in attaining efficiency?
In day-to-day life, you receive several assignments to finish in a specific duration. Some tasks take less time, and the timeline is long, while others may take a long time and the timeframe is short. Even the given time can be adequate to complete a job. It all depends on the surrounding from where the assignment comes.
Suppose you are a school-going student of the tenth standard. Your jobs could be homework, lab assignments, non-academic projects, etc. You get a timeframe to complete the task based on its type. If it is homework, it will take 2-3 hours, or if it is lab assignments it may take 1-2 days, etc. Now, after school, you choose to spend your time playing out and come home late evening. You will feel terrified recalling the homework. You know the teacher is strict.
In this case, you will try to find the easiest way to complete the homework in the remaining time. Let me tell few things that you would be trying:
Call a friend and ask to share the assignment.
Search on Google and try to finish the work.
Wait till the next day to copy from a friend during the other class.
You can think of other ways you will try to.
Do you think it always helps? I have come across similar situations in my school time as well as college time. It only helps if you are lucky not to get caught while copying.
Where comes the efficiency in this context?
Efficiency is the one thing that you need to understand in this scenario. Instead of managing your time efficiently between playing and completing work, you spend it playing. If you wanted to play for long hours, you could have finished your assignment before leaving. Due to poor time management, you failed to complete your work on time. But you know this needs completion, and you already had plans to copy from somewhere.
When you copy, you will try to rush in writing, hence missing a few lines, writing wrong spellings, and much more. In the end, your teacher will punish you for incorrect work.
In the same way, if you choose to complete your work on time, it will have fewer or no errors and no punishment from the teacher.
It is a small case, but you can run into a critical matter at a different phase of life. It is better to understand that efficiency is a must.
Before you go to the next chapter, let me answer these questions :
1. How can you achieve efficiency with speed?
To acquire efficiency with speed, you need to have a proper plan and repeatedly practice something you wish to achieve in the long run to make it a pattern. Do not force speed on yourself until you are comfortable.
2. What are the parameters that help in attaining efficiency?
Remember, the parameters that help in attaining efficiency include:
Time Management
Wrapping up, "Efficiency is a Must":
To lead a happy life, you should be efficient enough to face difficult circumstances. It comes with experience and practice. If you fail once, do not give up. Keep trying till you attain efficiency. It will reduce pain points in life.
Find your driving force to become efficient in it.
This post is part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge’ and Blogchatter
Some practical insights!